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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Guest spot in 5B!

Well, today I have experienced the best of teaching! Mrs. Brown brought her second graders in to be guest teachers in my class to present the app "screen chomp". They were amazing teachers. They came well prepared to instruct my class. They had answers ready to address any questions that my class had. They also came with a project for my class to complete.

We paired them up and set them to work. They worked well together and it wasn't long before we had completed projects! Huge thanks to the second graders, who took time out of their day to come and teach the fifth graders! Thank you to Mrs. Brown for sharing your knowledge.


  1. What a wonderful collaborative effort made on both grades. Happy to hear that students are teaching other students. I bet those 2nd graders felt very "big".

  2. That's so amazing Michelle! I bet the 2nd graders were so excited to teach, and your 5th graders must have been very impressed!

  3. Thank you Colleen and Stephanie. It certainly was amazing to see the second graders so excited to be able to share their knowledge. I could tell they were a little nervous at first, but it was neat to see my students so welcoming and reassuring. They were attentive and excited to learn from the second graders. It was a great experience.
